10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

7. The Ex's Reveal - Get Out

Host finale
Universal Pictures

The main couple in Get Out, Black man Chris and white girl Rose, seem like the perfect couple. We believe their love and compassion for each other, and an early scene in the film, where Rose rinses out a police office for his racial biases, showed us that she was acutely aware of the unfairness of society.

As the motives of Rose's family become clearer, we are reassured with the knowledge that Rose has Chris's back. And when the climax of the film solidifies the terrifying fate coming Chris's way, we're relieved to know that both Chris and Rose are smart enough to leave and get the hell out of there.

On his way out, Chris notices that the little cupboard in Rose's bedroom has been opened. And inside is a little red box. Of course, Chris opens it to find a bunch of selfies of Rose and her ex boyfriends. More specifically, they're all Black men - even though Rose told Chris she's never dated a Black man before him.

Among these photos are her with the two employees from her families estate. It's a terrifying reveal that knocks everything you think you know off kilter, and leads to the huge twist that Rose was in on it the whole time.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.