10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

5. A Moving Picture - Sinister

Host finale
Summit Entertainment

There are many scares within the movie Sinister that have been ingrained into my psyche. Everyone remembers the lawnmower jump scare, for better or worse. But it's a more subtle scare that we're going to reminisce about today.

Ethan Hawke plays investigative novelist, Ellison, a man who once published an extremely successful book that he since has been desperate to replicate. He, along with his wife and two children, move into a house previously owned by a family that were murdered. He believes that if he can solve the case of the family's murder and their missing child, he would prove his worth and achieve the same success again.

In the loft of this house, Ellison finds an old movie projector and a bunch of super 8 films. Each one of these films show an innocent family getting murdered by someone taping the whole thing. They also show something even stranger: a creepy looking figure watching the crimes.

Ellison manages to capture the image of the creature and blow it up on his computer. This is where the scare comes in. Ellison is on the phone to a detective, when the figure on screen, supposed to be frozen in place, turns ominously towards our protagonist. If his image wasn't scary enough before, this creepy and impossible moment proved that there was more going on than just murder.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.