10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

4. While You Were Sleeping - The Invisible Man

Host finale
Universal Pictures

The Invisible Man was a surprising horror movie reboot from 2020, nobody was expecting the film to be as absolutely terrifying as it was.

Yet, the Elizabeth Moss flick managed to twist our own expectations of the invisible man on its head with a timely, emotionally impactful version of the story that felt more like Black Mirror than a Universal Monster's epic.

The movie expertly updated the story to present day, and one of the ways they did this was with the use of cell phones. Unlike most horror movies set today, the film utilised mobiles as a way to gaslight and unsettle the main character, CeCe, more.

Early on in the movie, before Cece has figured out what's going on, we see a flash go off in the bedroom where she is sleeping, causing her to wake. We forget about this until much later, when CeCe discoverers the lair of her tormenter inside the attic.

She finds her missing architecture drawings, some keys and a phone. On this phone are various photographs of her sleeping. The images cause a sick feeling in your stomach, as you emphathise with Cece, knowing that you're at your most vulnerable when you are alseep.

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