10 Scariest Zombie Transformations In Movies

8. Vera - Braindead

Train To Busan
ORO Films

Whilst partly marketed as a comedy movie, there's no denying that Peter Jackson's foray into zombie fiction is also super creepy.

Braindead (or Dead Alive in North America) is about a young man named Lionel who lives under the thumb of his controlling mother. It's a bit like Psycho, except Lionel could only dream of killing and stuffing his dear old mum.

The mother, Vera, is bitten by a Sumatran rat monkey, which slowly morphs her into a horrifying creature. Well, more so than she already was.

The scene where this really kicks off is a dinner sequence between Lionel, Vera, and her friends. Vera quite literally starts to fall apart, her ear dropping off into some custard. If that wasn't enough to put you off the yellow stuff for good, she then eats it.

Vera then appears to die very shortly after the custard-ear incident, but she quickly pops back up and brutally rips the head off a nurse. That's what you get when you wake old people up from their naps!

Whilst a bit too comical to be considered properly scary, the grotesqueness of the ear-eating combined with the startling nature of Vera's reanimation makes Braindead plenty terrifying.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.