10 Scariest Zombie Transformations In Movies

6. Rain - Resident Evil

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A movie that really puts the word "loosely" into "loosely adapted from", the 2002 Resident Evil film is a mostly original story that borrows from the first two games in the series.

In amongst the killing and the splattering and the Milla Jovovich-ing, Paul W. S. Anderson's version of events does have a tragic thread running throughout in the form of Rain.

Played by Michelle Rodriguez of Fast and Furious fame, Rain is a member of the Umbrella Corporation's commando unit sent to clean up the outbreak of T-Virus in Raccoon City.

She ends up getting bitten by one of her zombified cohorts and the infection slowly takes over her body across the course of movie. The film really drags Rain's death out, allowing her more time to bond with Jovovich's Alice.

When she does eventually die, it's incredibly sad, before becoming incredibly frightening when she pops right back up again as a zombie!

Forcing viewers to watch Rain's prolonged suffering was an effective decision from Anderson. Her friends' efforts to save her only make it more tragic when she dies and more harrowing when they have to fight off her undead form.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.