10 Scenes In The Dark Knight Trilogy That Should Have Been Cut

1. Batpod Flip Scene - The Dark Knight

batpod There are quite a few scenes from The Dark Knight in this list so before I get any comments can I just say this is my favourite film of the trilogy and it's actually my favourite film...ever! Again, this scene bugs quite a lot of fans just because it is so ridiculous! Batman is chasing the Joker who is chasing Dent because he thinks he's Batman...phew! Batman attaches super-strong cables to the bottom of the massive truck the Joker is driving. He then darts underneath the truck in his batpod which is pretty cool. He weaves between some lamp posts to tangle the cables and then digs the end of the cables into the ground. This causes the Joker's truck to be pulled back, making it flip upside down. It's definitely one of the coolest scenes in the film but it is swiftly ruined by the next scene. Batman drives up a wall and flips round. It's a bit hard to describe mainly because it is physically impossible to do this without falling off, banging your head or the bike toppling over. Because Christopher Nolan doesn't like to use too much CGI in his films, it is obvious that this scene contains a lot of CGI. Apparently Nolan got the idea for this when he saw one of his children do this with a toy... well done. I'm sure a lot of people won't be too happy at some scenes being up here so let us know! Are there any ones you would rather see up here?

19 year old studying journalism. Huge fan of film and writer of film reviews.