10 Sci-Fi Horror Movie Aliens That Make Space TERRIFYING

4. Predator

Scarlett Johansson Under The Skin

Having eviscerated four solo screen outings and spent an additional two facing off against the universe's scariest acid-tongued eusocial aliens, the Predator is the ultimate cunning killing machine; a unique blend of savagery and intelligence, working with a primitive drive and purpose, backed by some of space's best technology.

With heads that best resemble vagina dentata, Predators - or, to use their species name, Yautja - wisely choose to wear masks while hunting, giving them that glossy, fresh-out-the-packet look.

Their arsenal includes active camouflage (or, invisibility, for all intents and purposes), advanced energy and plasma weapons of every kind and traditional hunting tools, such as spears and knives, when they want to get up close and personal - which, given their proclivity and passion for violence, is always.

Predators also come in Ancient, Berserker and XXL varieties, to suit your deepest fears' every needs. And don't be worried about not finding them when you eventually venture out into space - as an advanced civilisation of hunters, they are literally everywhere in the universe looking for their next catch.


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