10 Sci-Fi Movie Crossovers We'd Love To See
9. Under The Skin/The Thing
These films both meddle with the same concept but approach it with completely contrasting methods. Each one tells the tale of a predatorial alien creature that uses tactics and manipulation to gain their kills. Both are utterly terrifying as the concept of human beings being prey to a creature way more evolved than us is a horrifying cosmically existential thought.
Under the Skin shows us the perspective of the predator, as we watch "The Female" lure humans back to her lair to harvest their bodies. It is quiet, slow and has an art style that genuinely feels suffocating and fills you with anxiety.
To contrast this The Thing is a far more action-packed film about a creature that can change its shape and mimic its prey. It is similarly tense and atmospheric, but the creatures moments of attack are far louder and full of grotesque body horror.
The fact that they both approach the same concept with such different styles reveals how a crossover between the two could be a fascinating exploration of how a creature can hunt humans, and possibly each other.