10 Sci-Fi Movie Crossovers We'd Love To See

8. Planet Of The Apes/Mad Max

The Terminator/Robocop
20th Century Fox/Warner Bros

Post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi is a sub-section of the genre that has some profound outings. Both the Planet of the Apes movies and Mad Max franchise explore what life would be like if the world that we know today was gone. They both have unique styles, with the recent Apes films being provocative and compelling and the latest Max picture being a thrill-ride of action.

The two could blend fascinatingly by showing how the ape characters would adjust to the world that has moved on in Mad Max. The introduction of vehicle wielding evolved apes, battling it out against the mentally unstable and aggressively violent inhabitants of Earth would undoubtedly be a product that is worth the price of admission.

Max himself could even fit quite nicely into a project like this by acting as the bridge between the humans and apes in a similar vein to Jason Clarke's character in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Seeing the furry creatures evolving even more so and getting themselves some serious horsepower would certainly pose a significant threat to humanity, and this film could portray that very well.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!