10 Sci-Fi Movie Death Scenes That Came Out Of Nowhere

9. Don (Robert Carlyle) - 28 Weeks Later

This one was nasty. After abandoning his wife at the beginning of the film and escaping to a new, safe life, Don (Robert Carlyle) is shocked when she is found. She is tired and beaten down when he finally gets to see, and then he makes the mistake of assuming what he did to her will be forgotten.

In the film's most grotesque and violent scene, Don kisses his wife, who is actually infected, and she bites him. Within seconds the virus is working its magic and Don is running around in a fit of uncontrollable rage. Rage which he subsequently uses to gouge out his wife's eyes and strike her repeatedly in the face.

It's a horrid scene, made all the more shocking by the fact that Don was our main character up until this point; the guy we were following despite his moral ambiguity. It is his death and re-animation which lets loose the violence of the second half of the movie, and though he was a pretty questionable guy you've got to wonder whether anyone really deserves that.

Well, his wife certainly didn't.

Don's infected body is later put down by his own daughter. Ouch.

(CW: Video is very violent).


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Be excellent to each other. You can catch my other work here: https://halfwaydown.substack.com/