10 Sci-Fi Movie Deaths That Pissed Off Fans

6. Mako Mori - Pacific Rim: Uprising

zod superman

One of the major takeaways coming out of Guillermo del Toro's surprisingly riotous first Pacific Rim feature, along with "give me more giant robots smashing monsters, please!", was the fact that fans wanted to know exactly what in the hell was going to go down with Mako Mori next.

The personality had been handled refreshingly effectively here within the sci-fi genre, with Rinko Kikuchi's character coming equipped with a subplot that didn't just service the male leads and not relying on sexual stereotypes (still a depressingly low bar for 2021). The Mako Mori test was therefore brought into being shortly after.

Frustratingly enough, Pacific Rim: Uprising would quickly fail this test in emphatic fashion. Here, Mori is quickly nudged into a role that sees her support John Boyega's Jake's arc more than her own before being limply cut down during the opening third of the film as a rogue Jaeger knocks her helicopter out of the sky.

After such commendable work in making Mori a shining light for modern female representation in that first entry, Uprising left fans wondering why they bothered believing in the franchise at all less than halfway through its runtime.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...