10 Sci-Fi Movie Deaths That Pissed Off Fans

5. Captain James T. Kirk - Star Trek: Generations

zod superman
Paramount Pictures

Kissing goodbye to a universally adored leading character isn't what you'd class as the easiest thing to execute on a cinematic platform as you'll see again before this list reaches its own tragic end. But it's not impossible, see Avengers: Endgame's emotional farewell to Tony Stark as a recent triumphant example.

On the other end of the spectrum, however, comes Star Trek: Generations' handling of the departure of the series' most iconic character, a death that still drives Trekkies up the wall nearly three decades on. Instead of going out in a blaze of glory in the comfort of his own Captain's chair, fans were forced to witness the heroic Captain T. Kirk, immortalised by William Shatner, fall off a bridge. And that was about it, really.

What followed was a drawn out final few words to Jean-Luc Picard from the fellow Enterprise Captain, before the phrase "Oh my!" signalled his laughable passing. Whether this was any better than the originally planned death by pathetic shot in the back from Dr. Tolian Soran is still up for debate, but that's like trying to choose between your favourite type of sour milk, in all honesty.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...