10 Sci-Fi Movie Deaths That Pissed Off Fans

3. Joe Brody - Godzilla

zod superman
Warner Bros. Pictures

It was impossible not to be even a little bit excited about the prospect of Bryan Cranston getting his teeth sunk into the reviving of a cinematic Titan who was in long need of some blockbuster TLC. After all, this was an actor fresh off of a career-defining run as Walter White on Breaking Bad, so how could Warner Bros. possibly screw up this monstrous offering?

By calling time on Cranston's arc in Godzilla halfway through the runtime, that's how.

After being the absolute driving force of the movie up until that point, the sight of Cranston's grief-stricken Joe Brody being mortally wounded in the midst of a Titan attack before dying on a helicopter left most people feeling massively cheated for the remainder of the feature. Aaron Taylor-Johnson did his best to steady the ship following on from his character's father's death, but the damage had been done.

And with Cranston himself even going on record to admit that seeing off Joe so early in the movie was a "narrative mistake" you know you've delivered a true dud of a cinematic death. It's also nice to know fans weren't the only ones who instantly sensed this was a bad idea.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...