10 Sci-Fi Movie Deaths That Pissed Off Fans

2. John Connor - Terminator: Dark Fate

zod superman
Warner Bros.

Deciding to rile up die-hard Terminator supporters before they'd even had a chance to get comfy in their seats, Terminator: Dark Fate came packed with one of the most despicable sucker punches imaginable early on. That being the picking off of one John Connor on a beach as his mother Sarah could only watch on helplessly in 1998.

Sure, the moment came as an unforeseen and fresh development to those tuning back into the Termi-verse. But it also felt like a bit of a slap in the face to those who cherished arguably the franchise's finest entries. Clearly knowing this heading into the project, Linda Hamilton was quick to tell Film Stories that she was well aware the moment was destined to p*ss off those who held those first two films as sacred, confessing:

"The whole concept of Terminator, that John Connor is the hope for the future of mankind and then to have him cut down like that. I think it’s going to upset a lot of people!"

Whether or not you personally agreed with John's unexpected execution, it undoubtedly set this film on a bold new path. But one that was always destined to cause a little friction from the get-go.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...