10 Sci-Fi Movie Moments That Literally Stopped Movies

1. The Dead Don't Die - Ronnie Read The Script

Spaceballs movie
Focus Features

Can you imagine going through your life with the knowledge of exactly how everything was about to play out? Well, if your name is Officer Ronnie Peterson, you needn't bother as that fantasy was unveiled to be a hilariously stunning reality in the closing stages of Jim Jarmusch's The Dead Don't Die.

As our heroes, the aforementioned Ronnie and Chief Cliff Robertson (played by Adam Driver and Bill Murray, respectively), fight for their lives during the zombie-infested conclusion of this sci-fi/horror/comedy mash-up, Cliff demands to know why his colleague has been so sure this was all going to end so badly from the get-go.

Simply put, Ronnie reluctantly reveals that he read the script. He'd been handed the whole thing by Jim himself, whereas Cliff had only been treated to the scenes he was involved in.

Blurring the lines between reality and fiction in the most bizarre of fashions, audiences most likely spent the next few minutes trying to unpack what in the holy hell was happening in front of their very eyes. But that brief trip into meta-ville was soon interrupted by a UFO beaming Tilda Swinton up into space. Oh, and for the record, that wasn't part of the script...

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