10 Sci-Fi Movie Remakes That Need To Happen
5. Repo-Man

Repo-Man is another film that approaches its science fiction in a more subtle way than the more outlandish delves into the genre. It grounds itself in a modern and realistic setting but features an otherworldly outlier that brings the film into the territory of sci-fi. This makes the product incredibly engaging to watch and quite surprising when the fantasy elements become more abundant.
It tells the story of Otto, a young punk who is recruited by a car repossession agency and sent after a Chevrolet Malibu. The job seems innocent enough at first, but it soon becomes clear that something unexplainable lies in the trunk of this expensive car.
The whole experience of Repo-Man is a lot of fun, brought together by a decent leading performance from Emilio Estevez. The time-setting of the film gives it this nostalgic feel, and that is precisely why it could be really compelling to see the story retold in a modern format.
In a new setting, the movie could embellish some of the less well-achieved elements of the first, such as the corny writing and lacklustre action sequences. Under the helm of a good director - Edgar Wright being a perfect choice - it could be a very exciting project.