10 Sci-Fi Movie Reveals Nobody Was Ready For

8. Galen Erso's Death Star Plan (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)

The Invisible Man

The second Disney and Lucasfilm announced they were forging a prequel Star Wars Story based on the events that unfolded just before the Original Trilogy got underway, fans fully anticipated a few glorious bits of detail to be infused into the feature that would hopefully enhance the already beloved Episodes IV-VI.

But even the most optimistic of Force-sensitive souls out there still likely didn't predict one of the most annoying plot holes in Star Wars history being surprisingly made sense of by the time Rogue One blasted off into hyperspace.

That's precisely what remarkably went down, however.

With many being forced to assume for decades that the arrogant Empire had just foolishly built an easy missable flaw into their planet-killing space station, the 2016 flick eventually stunned audiences the world over by revealing this was actually a very deliberate feature.

Placed there by a Galen Erso who had been forced into working for the bad guys and developing the Death Star, the clever scientist snuck a small thermal exhaust port into the designs of the superweapon that, when hit with a precise shot, could set about a chain reaction that would bring down the Empire's grand project.

Delivering the all-important information about his trap being tucked away in the plans found on Scarif in an emotional hologram monologue message to his abandoned daughter, this one hit like a sudden Death Star blast to Alderaan.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...