10 Sci-Fi Movie Reveals Nobody Was Ready For

5. The Ancient Truth (The Cabin In The Woods)

The Invisible Man

Admittedly, a quick glance at the trailers heading into 2011's spooky sci-fi delight The Cabin in the Woods definitely hinted at this being a little more than a cheeky deconstruction of the horror genre.

However, you'd be lying if you said you called just about any of the jaw-dropping swerves that were eventually fired our doomed protagonists' way during the runtime.

But if the reveal that the titular cabin amidst the trees and its surroundings were actually being controlled by a bunch of gambling engineers and other underground figures wasn't enough of a shock twist in the tale for you, then the even bigger reveal late on likely did the trick and then some.

As the final survivors of the group of five just about escape an ensemble of nightmarish monsters, Dana and Marty are soon informed by Sigourney Weaver's Director that this was all simply a ritual created to appease the Ancient Ones below, with a number of other similar examples happening across the globe in a bid to keep the world from ending.

Who honestly had underground deities threatening to rip apart out planet if five carefully selected slasher movie archetypes weren't picked off one by one by viscous creatures on their betting slip heading into this one?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...