10 Sci-Fi Movie Reveals Nobody Was Ready For

4. Ava Was Manipulating Caleb (Ex Machina)

The Invisible Man
Universal Pictures

In another example of multiple sci-fi reveals leaving those watching on in a constant state of "what in the holy hell is going on here?", 2014's Ex Machina doesn't half go out with a bang as the gripping AI experiment takes a few staggering late turns.

With off-centre tech CEO Nathan seemingly just trying to see if Caleb is convinced that his AI robot Ava actually possesses consciousness and the ability to think on her own, it's eventually revealed that there was far more to this test than initially met the eye.

Nathan had been purposefully allowing Caleb to fall in love with Ava throughout their numerous meetings as a way of effectively showcasing that she does very much hold true consciousness. Sensing that Nathan had actually been watching the love birds when the Ava-induced power outages killed off the surveillance, however, Caleb went ahead and set the pair's robo-breakout plan in motion the night before when the tech whizz was passed out.

But the real kicker comes when the actual smartest being in the room is ultimately revealed to have been playing everyone to perfection all along, with Ava eventually wandering out of the facility after killing Nathan and leaving a masterfully manipulated Caleb locked inside as her brilliant plan to break free finally comes to fruition.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...