10 Sci-Fi Movie Reveals Nobody Was Ready For

3. The Invisible Man Is Revealed (The Invisible Man)

The Invisible Man
Universal Pictures

Sitting as one of the most repeatedly shocking features of the 2020's so far, The Invisible Man wasn't content with simply providing sci-fi fright fans with a few completely unexpected visuals and jump scares.

It definitely supplied its fair share, mind, with that restaurant moment leaving just about everyone watching on gripping their cutlery for dear life the next time they ventured out for a bite to eat. However, it was in the other sudden twists in the tale that the true gold of this contemporary adaptation of the titular novel could be just about seen.

After believing throughout the picture that poor Cecilia is being tormented and targeted by her supposedly deceased abusive scientist ex-boyfriend Adrian in an Invisible Man suit, she is finally able bring down the individual in her pal's home and peel back the mask. Only, instead of finding Adrian under the gear, Cecilia actually discovers that it's Tom, his brother.

This absolute shocker pretty much confirms there and then the theory that two invisible suits could've been in play throughout. But it still came right out of the blue in the moment and brought the additional stinger of Cecilia still not being entirely free of her horrendous ex.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...