10 Sci-Fi Movie Sequels Better Than The Original

7. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

Terminator 2
20th Century Studios

The Planet of the Apes franchise has been a staple of Hollywood for decades, with virtually every movie - be it sequel or reboot - struggling to live up to the incredibly high standard set by the 1968 original. The 2011 reboot was arguably the best movie in the series since, acting as a prequel so that we could understand how the planet of the apes was born.

Speaking of sequels, the 2014 follow-up, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is where the story really kicked off, carrying on the arc of evolved ape leader Caesar as he must contend with the desperation and fear of a humanity on the brink of near-extinction.

What follows is an incredibly poignant and thought-provoking story as he bonds with one human and feels the wrath of another.

Dawn's greatest strength lies in the fact that it's a special effects-heavy blockbuster that somehow manages to make all of that play second-fiddle to its emotional depth. That - and the absolutely stunning visuals - enabled the sequel with the means to once again reach the seemingly unattainable heights of the very first Planet of the Apes movie, surpassing its own original in the process.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.