10 Sci-Fi Movies Critics Were Way Too Harsh On

1. The Thing

Pandorum Movie
Universal Pictures

You might be shocked to see a film as beloved as The Thing on this list, but in one of the most infamous cases of why critics aren't always right, the revolutionary 1982 film was initially anything but a critical darling. Though some made time to praise the special effects, others thought those effects made it all more repulsive viewing and the film's grim tone (and complete lack of optimism) saw it receive a pretty negative reception.

It feels silly even having to defend The Thing because people thankfully came to their senses as time went on and celebrated it for the revolutionary piece of cinema that it was - so much so that it's now certified fresh with 84 % on Rotten Tomatoes. But as unfathomable as it seems, there was actually a time when some were suggesting that it might be the most hated film of all time.

Unbelievably harsh? Yes. Laughable upon reflection? Absolutely.

The Thing's style certainly wasn't for everyone, but to dismiss it entirely is to do an injustice to John Carpenter and the special effects team that brought this twisted masterpiece to life... and now that's just taking it too far. Thank goodness things changed!


Which sci-fi movies do you think critics were too hard on? For more, check out our list of the 20 sci-fi movies every film fan should have seen.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.