10 Sci-Fi Movies Critics Were Way Too Harsh On
2. Godzilla
The story of Roland Emmerich's Godzilla has become something of a cautionary tale when it comes to Americanized blockbusters just because of how much it was lacking in terms of what made the Toho character so legendary. And critics reacted accordingly, with most of them targeting the drastic redesign of the creature and the decision to make him the villain of the story, while others revolted at its thinly-written characters and unbelievable plot developments.
The film currently holds a harsh 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and surely even the toughest modern-day critic could see that it's just far too low. After all, there was still a lot to love about Godzilla, right?
The truth is that, if you can allow yourself to get over all the deviations from the classic Japanese character, you might see Godzilla for what it is: A cracking monster movie that, unlike many, actually lived up to its status as a blockbuster.
The moody New York cityscape (that always finds itself buried under rainfall) sets the mood perfectly while the special effects are fantastic, making for a genuinely enjoyable popcorn flick full of visual thrills.