10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

2. Alien - Chestburster

Christian Bale Equilbrium

Another Ridley Scott classic, another scene that has since come to overshadow its movie in our collective memories.

While Alien is undoubtedly an iconic and landmark title for both the sci-fi and horror genres, there's no denying that the reputation of one of its finest scares has far surpassed even the movie's own stellar reputation.

Even if you haven't seen Alien (although, if you haven't, how has life been under your rock?), you'll surely have heard from someone what a masterpiece this scene is.

Combining a good, old-fashioned jump scare with a bit of grotesque body horror, all lit by the fluorescent lights of the space ship Nostromo, we're talking, of course, about the chestburster.

In a matter of seconds, a shared meal between crewmates turns deadly when Kane (John Hurt) begins choking and convulsing. Naturally, the crew try to help him, and lay him flat on the table, restraining his flailing limbs. Then, without any further warning, an alien creature erupts from his chest, killing him and spraying his crewmates with gore.

The scene is legendary not only for its perfect execution, but also for its legacy, and the Chestburster scene has since become synonymous with the first movie in the Alien franchise.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.