10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

3. Planet Of The Apes - Damn You All To Hell

Christian Bale Equilbrium
20th Century Studios

Picture the scene: you're selected as an astronaut for a light-speed voyage. You awake from induced hibernation to discover that you've been asleep for over two thousand years, and your ship is crashing onto an unfamiliar planet.

You survive the crash, only to find yourself in a desolate wasteland filled with chatty apes with a superiority complex, all of which are apparently intent on keeping you as a slave.

That's exactly what happened to Charlton Heston's George Taylor back in 1968 sci-fi classic Planet of the Apes, and it was hardly forgettable.

But who can even think about Planet of the Apes without the big reveal finale?

Spoiler alert for a 52 year old movie: the Planet of the Apes is EARTH!

This reveal comes by way of Taylor taking a beachside stroll only to encounter a worn, half-destroyed but clearly recognisable Statue of Liberty, prompting him to drop to his knees and scream, "DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!"

With a scene so over-the-top and a twist so memorable, it would be weird if you remembered Planet of the Apes for any other reason, really.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.