10 Sci-Fi Movies That Forced You To Answer Impossible Questions

7. Could You Kill Other Innocents To Save Yourself? - Battle Royale/The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence

Both Battle Royale and The Hunger Games see a couple-dozen young people forced into a kill-or-be-killed battle to the death on an exotic island. The prize? You get to live!

It's a nightmare situation for all but the most blood-thirsty psychopaths, because you're not being forced to kill bad guys or monsters to save your own hide - you're literally being asked to murder your own peers for your own sake.

On one hand, basic human survival instinct says you'll do it, but on the other, actually taking a life isn't so simple, especially when you consider whether your own life is really worth cutting through scores of your school mates and fellow victims.

But there will always be those willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their own survival, and as Battle Royale demonstrated quite brilliantly, paranoia will get a lot of people killed regardless.

Plus, even if you decide to be a pacifist, the rules of the game dictate you'll have to get involved sooner or later. Short of actually killing yourself in protest, of course.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.