10 Sci-Fi Movies That Wasted Incredible Premises

1. Downsizing

In Time
Columbia Pictures

Premise: Paul (Matt Damon) down-sizes (an irreversible process that shrinks humans down to five inches and is designed to reduce over-population and climate change that humanity is causing) and tries to get by in his down-sized community after his wife (Kristen Wiig) backs out of the process and leaves him in there alone.

Oh lord... this movie is just the actual worst.

With a great idea, a cracking cast and the highly talented Alexander Payne behind the camera, this is one of those movies you'll be really wanting to like but will probably end up hating.

Downsizing makes virtually no effort to offer any sort of social commentary or thematic meditations on anything. In fact, most of the film is literally a half-asleep Matt Damon working as a cleaner and deliveryman alongside an incredibly annoying and frankly racist comic-relief character played by Hong Chau.

Superficial, empty, unfunny, indifferently acted, scattershot and, worst of all, fantastically boring, Downsizing could be one of the worst films ever made by a great director. When it comes to science-fiction movies, this is definitely one of the worst wastes of an incredible concept... well, ever.

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In Time
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.