10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Nobody Dies


Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Francois Truffaut

One of, if not the best Pixar movie ever made and therefore by default one of, if not the best animated movies ever made, WALL-E is a work of art.

The film follows the adventures of the heart-warming titular robot, as he saves humanity while falling in love with fellow machine EVE.

It is not uncommon for animated movies to feature gruesome deaths. Just look at The Lion King or Tarzan for example, but while WALL-E’s subject matter and themes are incredibly sinister, no humans are killed. Sure, EVE blasts a security robot, and the villainous AUTO gets switched off, but as WALL-E’s revival confirms, you can’t really kill a machine.

Even without characters dying, WALL-E never fails to bring tears to the eyes and remains probably the most hard-hitting and bravest film Pixar has ever made, thanks to its lack of dialogue, striking visuals and biting satire.

Its messages about pollution, technology and consumerism, told through the eyes of a mostly non-talking garbage robot, should, on paper, have fallen completely flat. And yet they didn’t.


22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.