10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Nobody Dies

5. Ghostbusters

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Francois Truffaut
Columbia Pictures

Is it possible to kill something that’s already dead? If you believe the answer to be yes, then feel free to disqualify Ghostbusters from this list, as the titular team of paranormal investigators most definitely take out plenty of ghosts, or as Peter Venkman would put it:

"We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!"

It may be nearly 40 years old now, but Ghostbusters still holds up as one of the funniest movies ever made. It is endlessly quotable, with every line delivered by its wickedly talented cast a piece of pure comedy gold. Its theme song is one of the best in movie history and now an absolute staple of Halloween music.

Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room here to explain what makes the film the greatest action-comedy ever, as well as one of the best films of the 1980s and of all-time for that matter. There is simply something magical about the combination of Ivan Reitman’s direction, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis’ script and the performances of the stellar cast, especially Bill Murray at his deadpan best.

While its sequel and 2016 reboot may have been poorly received, the original Ghostbusters will always be fondly remembered. Let’s hope the upcoming Ghostbusters Afterlife can add to the legacy.


22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.