10 Sci-Fi Movies Where The Humans Are The Bad Guys

6. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Dennis Nedry Jurassic Park
Universal Pictures

Even in a film with a premise as charming and heartwarming as this, you can bet that there'll always be someone who shows up out of nowhere to ruin the fun.

When the adorably helpless E.T. is stranded on Earth, he happens across a suburban family whose 10-year-old son, Elliott, becomes empathically linked to him. They can feel each other's feelings and react to each other's respective surroundings, creating a profound emotional connection between boy and alien.

Of course, no extra-terrestrial can roam about the streets without the men in black eventually stepping in. As E.T. grows deathly ill due to his excess of time on Earth (affecting Elliott at the same time), a man known as Keys has his agents burst into the house, intent on capturing the dying alien.

Two brushes with death later, Elliott and E.T. eventually manage to evade their pursuers by means of E.T.'s extraordinary levitation ability. Every one of the shrivelled little guy's actions suggests he means no harm, and had the government taken the time to observe this, a lot of the film's turmoil could easily have been avoided.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.