10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

1. The Vulture Wants Spider-Man... For Some Reason - Morbius

Charlize Theron Hancock
Marvel Studios

When Doctor Strange opted to give a young Peter Parker his wish for everyone to forget he was Spider-Man, the mystical wizard likely pondered to himself, "Hmmm, what's the worst that could happen?"

This. This was the absolute worst thing that could happen, you silly magician.

Rocking up in the end credits of Sony's most recent slice of Spider-Man Universe chaos that was Morbius, Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes offered up the mother of all ludicrous plot twists in the form of a sudden villainous appearance that made about as much sense as the SSU as a whole.

Feeling the need to create a team to seemingly combat Spider-Man, the freshly teleported Vulture unexpectedly asks Jared Leto's vampire anti-hero for his assistance. To which Morbius replies, "...intriguing."

That's one word for it!

None of this explains how or even why Toomes ends up in this universe, with no one else being dragged from their original place in the MCU and dumped into another part of the multiverse by the spell.

And the fact Vulture suddenly feels the need to align himself with a person he hardly even knows, instead of figuring out how to get back to his precious family, felt hugely strange, too.

In all honesty, the entire surreal twist just reeks of a desperate attempt to link the SSU to the MCU, and also forge that long-suggested Sinister Six team-up.

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