10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

2. Hancock's Immortal Wife Derails The Fun - Hancock

Charlize Theron Hancock
Sony Pictures

Up until a certain point, the Will Smith-starring 2008 anti-superhero chunk of action comedy that was Hancock delivered a surprisingly compelling tale about a flawed super-being who doesn't really know what to do with the immortal and super-human gifts he possesses.

Yet, things start to get a little pointlessly complicated the second it's revealed that Hancock's PR specialist pal Ray's wife is actually a fellow super immortal. And not only that, she's actually Hancock's former wife, but simply opted to start a new life the second it became clear he'd lost his memory after an attack 80 years earlier. How sweet.

Making matters that bit more convoluted, just to really dilute the fun, it turns out that if these two super-spouses spend too long around one another, they become mortal. And it's this development that ultimately paves the way for a once darkly humorous character study to become an overly serious tragedy as the feature heads into its final stages.

Without this soap opera twist, Hancock likely could've maintained its promising early momentum until the very end. But with it, the entire end product just winds up feeling like two separate films stitched together with string.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...