10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

4. Bested By A Secret Evil Society... And A Puddle - Glass

Charlize Theron Hancock
Universal Pictures

Another 2019 entry saw that man again M. Night Shyamalan trying (and ultimately failing) to follow-up the fine work he'd put into crafting the effective swerve-boasting Unbreakable and Split with yet another brilliantly unanticipated turn-of-events.

With Glass seeing the prior films' central supernatural figures of David Dunn, Elijah Price, and Kevin Wendall Crumb all coming together under the roof of a psychiatric hospital, the closing stages of the series eventually opts to dump an entirely unwanted development into the mix that comes completely out of left-field.

After witnessing the super-strong David be shockingly and somewhat disappointingly drowned in a puddle and the long-theorised reveal of Kevin's father being on the train Mr. Glass crashed in Unbreakable come to fruition, the director unleashes one more late twist just for good measure.

As David, Kevin, and Glass all circle the drain, it's hilariously revealed that Dr. Ellie Staple is actually part of a secret society that has been suppressing super-humans for an age from the shadows, with her job being to keep these particular threats from causing chaos in the world.

Instead of leaving those watching on in a state of stunned amazement, however, this last-minute twist too far just felt entirely tacked onto the series; and one that was pretty difficult to digest seeing as though there'd been next to no hint of these clover-tattooed figures existing at any other point in the features.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...