10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

3. Ape Lincoln - Planet Of The Apes (2001)

Charlize Theron Hancock
20th Century Fox

A few years before Andy Serkis and co. managed to salvage what looked like a somewhat doomed title, Tim Burton seemed to have killed any and all interest in The Planet of the Apes series with one of the most absurd final twists of its time.

Clearly taking inspiration from the original 1968 classic's unexpected conclusion that reveals Charlton Heston's George Taylor has actually been on Earth throughout the runtime and not an unknown planet, the 2001 remake bowed out with Mark Wahlberg's Captain Leo Davidson making quite the discovery himself late in the day.

With Leo actually arriving on another planet in the future by the name of Ashlar after heading into a storm in space, the closing stages involve the astronaut finally heading back in time to his homeworld of Earth, only to find out that the apes he'd come into contact with on that planet, specifically General Thade, had somehow managed to beat him home and take over his own world.

While it isn't really explained how the ape managed to pull this off in the film itself, Davidson returns to his own time and suddenly spots a now-infamous and wholly hilarious Thade-ified version of Abraham Lincoln's Washington D.C. statue before Leo is eventually surrounded by the ape police.

Because... reasons?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...