10 Scientific Errors In Movies That Really Need To Stop

7. Bullets Don't Work That Way

Hollywood is a strange beast. Or rather, the MPAA is. They're not big on swearing, and woe betide you if you ever feature sex or nudity in a film, but guns are totally fine. In fact, they're encouraged! Have people shoot at each other all the time. The gunplay in movies has been blamed for people's misuse of firearms in real life time and again but, like we said up top, the way that people go shooting up the silver screen is actually pretty divorced from reality. Despite all the consultants they have on hand to make sure these things are as down to Earth as possible, they're...well, they're really not. On pretty much every level. You know when an untrained character fires off a shotgun or something and, because they're weak and feeble and don't know what they're doing, the force of the bullet sends them soaring backwards, into a pile of cardboard boxes or something equally hilarious? A 9mm bullet weighs less than an ounce. It might make you stumble a little. Bullets also don't create sparks when they hit things, and they don't cause bright lights of fire when they come out the barrell, because that would be dangerous and silly. The sound guns make when they fire? That's a whole other story. Saving Private Ryan is basically the only ever film to render bullet fire realistically.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/