10 Scientific Errors In Movies That Really Need To Stop

6. Aliens

The evidence of whether aliens actually do exist is shaky at best, but we're a damn sight more enlightened than movies on when it comes to extraterrestrial visitors. From a logical perspective, it stands to reason that in a seemingly infinite universe of multiple galaxies that stretch off in all directions forever, there would be intelligent life out there somewhere. But when we actually do find life on other planets - like the basic organisms which have been discovered on the surface of Mars - there's a profound sense of disappointment, because films have lead us to believe they'll all be humanoid shaped, be able to speak English, and probably want to invade us. Because our planet is just sooooo much better than any of theirs. Bit arrogant. Lets go with the first issue: why would aliens look like us? Humans evolved this way because it suited the unique atmosphere, environment, and challenges Earth has on offer. In one of those other infinite worlds you might need to be completely different to survive. There might be aliens that are all eyes, or tentacles, or made of gas. Not just jobbing actors with bumpy foreheads and bodypaint. They wouldn't be able to communicate with us, either, since their language will have developed in a completely different way from ours. Plus they're unlikely to bother invading us because, well, they haven't so far, have they? And don't get us started on Jeff Goldblum uploading a computer virus to an alien ship in Independence Day...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/