10 Scrapped Horror Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

9. Jason Is Melted To Death - Jason Takes Manhattan

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Easily one of the most recognisable characters in all of horror, the hockey-mask-wearing force known as Jason Voorhees always seems to find a way to return to the screen.

It was that need to keep his franchise alive following on from the eighth instalment, Jason Takes Manhattan, which actually resulted in a change to the ending, too. But, not for the better.

The 1989 slasher ends with Jason (Kane Hodder) being transformed back into a child after being hit by a wave of toxic wastewater, a bizarre ending that wasn't exactly received all that well by Friday the 13th fans. What perhaps would have gone down a little better, however, was the original ending.

Said planned conclusion would have seen Jason simply melted completely by the toxic waste, with his soul then being released. But with the studio feeling this would perhaps kill off any chances of a sequel, that far less odd ending was scrapped in favour of the weird sewer child moment fans eventually got.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...