10 Scrapped Horror Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

Those frightening scenes that were better than what we got in the finished horror movie.

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Universal Pictures

With the horror genre constantly looking to push things into darker and more horrifying territory, it's not all that surprising to discover that a ton of wonderfully brutal or fascinating moments have been sliced out at various points during a film's production over the years.

Now sure, it's not too hard to see why many of the following scenes were ultimately scrapped before viewers could lay their gore and terror-loving eyes on them. Many were just too savage, gross, or simply did not go down all that well with certain test audiences. Had these scenes actually been left in, though, everything from disturbing interactions to shocking endings would have likely been a whole lot better than what we got in the end. What could have been, eh?

So, with all that in mind, from more intense trips to Hell, to a seriously vicious death, to a frightening amount of shocking decapitations and head stuff, here are a bunch of discarded scenes that sound like they would have been more compelling, terrifying, or grisly than what we eventually got in the completed movies in question.

10. A Face Ripped Off - Spiral

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The Saw franchise is one that has never really shied away from absolutely horrendous death scenes... mostly.

You see, while this is still a franchise that has shown people's heads being crushed into tiny pieces, for example, it's also one that decided one particularly savage fatality absolutely needed to go before releasing the ninth entry in the series, Spiral.

Said scene would have seen an initially unnamed character's face being ripped off in one of the series' trademark traps, with director Darren Lynn Bousman eventually telling Blood Disgusting that "it was by far the most gruesome, 100%. It was also the most mean-spirited."

However, with the film having some problems with the MPA, despite not being the most violent entry in the series (in Bousman's opinion), the call was made to scrap the filmed trap - something Bousman admitted "was a huge kind of bummer for me."

While the director would also add that the movie still fully worked without the scene in question and cutting it meant that the character, eventually revealed to be Detective Drury (K. C. Collins), could now potentially appear in a sequel one day, the nasty image released of Drury's torn up face alone suggests that fans were robbed of a properly grim addition to the gruesome Saw deaths list here, and one that would have perhaps made Spiral a touch more memorable.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...