10 Scrapped Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

1. The Car Graveyard - Cars

Cars Graveyard

It's fair to say that Cars isn't one of Pixar's best movies, but it's still a beautifully animated family romp, albeit one which very nearly flirted with themes a little more daring and adventurous.

Animatics were completed for a scene just after Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) gets separated from his big rig pal Mack and ends up at Radiator Springs.

While trying to get back on the Interstate and find Mack, Lightning finds himself hurtling through a dense forest area, which appears to be a car "graveyard," packed with the "corpses" of other cars as well as a ghost-like car with tree branches for arms which tries to grab Lightning.

Pixar has never been one to shy away from challenging material riffing on the impermanence of everything, so it's a massive shame they removed this genuinely creepy and atmospheric scene before animators could get to work on it.

Instead, Lightning's journey to Radiator Springs is decidedly less arduous in the final film, with any scrap of boundary-pushing creativity disappearing into the ether.

Check out the animatic for yourself at 3:53 in the below clip:


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.