10 Scrapped Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

5. Kim Jong-Un's Head Explodes - The Interview

The Interview Kim Jong Un Death

Seth Rogen and James Franco's controversial comedy The Interview is honestly more memorable for the geo-political nightmare surrounding its release than the actual movie itself.

However, few will forget that it concludes with an oafish caricature of North Korean despot Kim Jong-un (Randall Park) being blown up by a missile fired at his helicopter, set to Katy Perry's "Firework," no less.

But as revealed during the infamous Sony Pictures e-mail hack shortly before The Interview's release, the original version of the scene was actually far more violent, with Kim Jong-un's head exploding in gory slow-motion, whereas in the final version of the scene the gore is concealed by a wave of fire.

Directors Rogen and Evan Goldberg lobbied hard to keep the original death scene in the final cut, and understandably so.

In a movie primarily concerned with mocking Kim Jong-un, it felt cowardly for Sony to start clutching their pearls and draw the line at an exploding CGI head.

Nevertheless, the studio held firm, and despite hope from Rogen that the uncut scene would end up released at some point, it sadly seems confined to a more secure Sony server.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.