10 Scrapped Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

4. Bane's Origin Story - The Dark Knight Rises

Bane Tom Hardy
Warner Bros.

Anyone who knows much at all about Christopher Nolan will be aware that he doesn't "do" deleted scenes, or rather, he never makes cut material available on home video after-the-fact, his opinion being that the theatrical cut is always his director's cut.

This has created an aura of intrigue surrounding various unreleased scenes shot for his movies, specifically his beloved Dark Knight saga. In particular, there was a major subplot for The Dark Knight Rises' villain Bane (Tom Hardy) which was shot but ultimately abandoned.

The film's costume designer Lindy Hemming revealed that Nolan shot an extended flashback sequence which depicted the back injury which gave Bane his distinctive back scar, him subsequently building a more primitive version of his famous face mask, and also learning to fight off prisoners in the Pit.

The idea, apparently, was to have Bane's genesis reflect that of Batman's, yet at some point Nolan clearly decided to ditch it, perhaps because the film was already running dangerously close to three hours.

Instead, we got a fairly piecemeal backstory for Bane that's largely in service of an hilariously predictable plot twist where Talia al Ghul (Marion Cotillard) is revealed to be the real criminal mastermind, and Bane a mere smitten puppy.

Honestly, it probably would've been tidier to just scrap the Talia plot entirely and double down on Bane, rather than stonewalling most of his origin story behind a silly plot twist most fans saw coming a mile away.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.