10 Scrapped Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

3. The Original Russia-Set Climax - World War Z

World War Z Brad Pitt
Paramount Pictures

Blockbuster zombie flick World War Z was another deeply troubled production that, impressively, managed to crawl out of the hole and score broadly positive reviews while grossing $540 million worldwide.

However, almost the entire third act of the movie was re-shot after protagonist Gerry (Brad Pitt) leaves Jerusalem.

The finale sees Gerry heading to the World Health Organisation HQ in Wales, where he discovers a solution to evade the zombies, and the movie ends on a semi-hopeful note that humanity can now fight back against the zombie horde.

But the original third act sounded so much more interesting than this oddly low-key climax, with Gerry heading to Russia after leaving Israel, having his phone confiscated and being drafted into the Russian armed service.

Some time later, Gerry is now a bearded, grizzled zombie-killing badass, and learns that the zombies cannot survive in the bleak Russian climate, allowing Russian forces to easily kill them.

After getting his phone back, he calls his wife Karin (Mireille Enos), who immediately hangs up. Gerry is then called back by a U.S. Navy Seal (Matthew Fox), who informs him that Karin has shacked up with him in order to survive, and advises him to move on and start a new life.

The final implication is that Gerry will be heading back to the U.S. to retrieve his wife.

Though this ending would require some tact to work - after all, haven't enough blockbusters used women as trophies for the male heroes? - it's a damn sight more interesting than what we ended up with, and would also lend further context to Matthew Fox's bizarrely piecemeal role in the final cut of the film.

Brad Pitt with a giant beard slaying zombies, or walking through some hallways in a bland government building? It's no contest.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.