10 Scrapped Video Game Movies We're Still Dying To See

5. Deus Ex

Deus Ex Deus Ex is a video game that would translate extremely well to the cinematic medium; it boasts a visually stunning, dystopic sci-fi bent, and features an iconic character, J.C. Denton, at the helm. In May 2002, Columbia Pictures announced that they were tackling the project, and in 2003 it was declared that the stalwart Denton would be made "a little bit filthier than he was in the game", presumably to enhance the commercial viability of the character and therefore the movie. Willem Dafoe was being pipped for the starring role in a film that aimed to be much darker than the movie, though by 2004 it seemed to be scrapped entirely. In November 2012, however, Scott Derrickson was appointed director for a movie based on the latest game, Human Revolution, which was significantly different aesthetically to the first game, and featured a different protagonist entirely. Though I'd still love to see a pure adaptation of the original, Blade Runner-inspired original, it's been made clear that this movie will directly adapt the latest iteration, so it could go either way, if it ever really gets made.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.