10 Secrets That Made Recent Movies Awesome

1. The Doll Was A Combination Of Animatronics, Actors & CGI - M3GAN

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem
Universal Pictures

The genuinely impressive technical execution of killer android horror movie M3GAN left many fans wondering quite how the relatively low-budget $12 million production pulled it all off. Animatronics? VFX? Clever practical trickery with actual actors?

As it turns out, it was a shrewd combination of all three.

Rather than hedge his bets on a single technique, director Gerard Johnstone had an animatronic puppet of M3GAN built for a close-up shots and dialogue scenes, while a flesh-and-blood actress, Amie Donald, performed more complex movements which the puppet couldn't - specifically during the movie's action sequences.

Donald received coaching to make her movements appear more robotic, and as a cherry on top, CGI was employed to ensure a seamless fusion between the animatronic and Donald's human performance.

The end result is shockingly consistent for such a low-budget feature, and proved absolutely vital in the concept's successful execution - enough that it grossed over $180 million worldwide, prompting Universal to speedily greenlight a sequel, due out in early 2025.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.