10 Sequel Villains Who Were Weaker Than The First Baddie

5. Ray Carrigan/Blackout (Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance)

ray-carrigan-blackoutVillain from the previous movie: Blackheart & The Fallen Angels (Ghost Rider). I'm not one to dwell on discussing either of these films (they were both HIDEOUS and giving any aspect of their existence a serious critique is genuinely pointless), so the less said about them the better, but the fact is that the villains in the first Ghost Rider movie were much more threatening than the one in the sequel. In 2007's Ghost Rider, the titular character had to combat Blackheart - the son of the devil himself - and a group of fallen angels - Gressil, Abigor, and Wallow - who themselves have unnatural powers such as the power of earth, the power of wind and the power of water. These were genuine supernatural beings who had every right to pose a threat to Ghost Rider. In 2012's Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, the demonic hero merely had to deal with Ray Carrigan - a mercenary, drug dealer and gun runner who was turned into Blackout by the devil in order to pose a threat to Ghost Rider. Essentially, he was a human with the borrowed power of enhanced physical abilities and a death touch which sapped the life out of anyone or anything he came in to contact with. Both were awful. Carrigan was worse.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.