10 Sequel Villains Who Were Weaker Than The First Baddie

4. Roy Burns (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)

roy-burnsVillain from the previous movie: Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter). The first four Friday the 13th movies saw the rise of Jason Voorhees - an unstoppable killer who wears an intimidating hockey mask while he carries out his despicable deeds as a form of revenge for the death of his Mother, Pamela, who was the killer in the first movie. In A New Beginning (1985), Jason is believed to be dead, having been sliced and diced in a manner that he'd be proud to have done himself. But when a young boy, Joey, is killed in a halfway house for kids rehabilitating from mental issues, and further murders follow, it appears that Jason is back. The killer is even wearing a hockey mask and appears to have a scarred, worn, Jason-like face. So it's Jason, right? Wrong, it's soft-spoken loner Roy Burns - Father of Joey, the kid who was killed early in the movie. He's acquired a blue boiler suit, facial prosthetics, a hockey mask and an uncanny ability to recover from horrendous wounds - much like Jason - and has gone on a murderous revenge rampage. Still, he was merely a copycat and by no means as threatening as the real deal and it was much better when Jason returned as a stronger, undead killer a year later in Jason Lives.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.