1. Scary MoVie 5
You probably didnt notice it but this film is actually in theatres now. If you did notice it youve probably forgotten by now. Does anybody even remember the last film in this franchise? Ill admit that I still find some of the idiotic jokes in the terrible Scary Movie 3 and Scary Movie 4 worth a chuckle. Probably because I enjoyed those films as a twelve year old and they have nostalgia value now. But I cant help but cringe looking at the terrible jokes in the trailer for this entry. I even heard a group of twelve year olds at my school talking about how bad it was. Looks like this one must be a real stinker. The loss of Anna Farris and Regina Hall, who carried the last two entries, killed this film before it even went into production. Farris and Hall were major parts of the franchises DNA. It was pretty obvious, when Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan were cast, that this film would now be trying to carry itself solely on lame pop-culture references and idiotic one-liners with no wit. At least there havent been any sequels to the Friedberg and Seltzer movies...yet...