10 Sequels Teased In Post-Credits Scenes (That Never Actually Happened)

4. Skynet Finds A Way - Terminator Genisys

10 Sequels Teased In Post Credits Scenes That Never Actually Happened THUMB
Paramount Pictures

One day there will be a study done on how a franchise started life so great, went on to have a near perfect sequel, and then ended up in Hollywood's toilet. Time travel can be a hard thing to get to grasps with and if done right, à la Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, it can be engaging and the bedrock for a fun movie. Or it can go horribly wrong, as in the three movies that followed.

Genisys seeks to "fix" the event of the Terminator timeline (Days of Future Past style) by scrapping it all and starting again, so this means nothing matters anymore and canon is out of the window. There is another Arnold sent back in time. What? Here is another T-1000. Why?! Oh and John Conner is now a machine?!

Remember Genisys is Skynet and Skynet is still alive thanks to a post-credit stinger that most may have missed, but that doesn't matter now as the next film in the franchise will take place after Judgment Day and retcon anything that happened after that.

The franchise died with Genisys, but thanks to lack of ideas they'll be going back to the well for another crack at it.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.