10 Sequels Teased In Post-Credits Scenes (That Never Actually Happened)

5. Multiple Sightings - Cloverfield

10 Sequels Teased In Post Credits Scenes That Never Actually Happened THUMB

The original Cloverfield really did show how impactful found footage film could be and to how grand a scale it could reach. The year prior to its release saw Paranormal Activity terrify cinema-goers across the globe as they were tricked into thinking what they were watching was genuinely real - just like The Blair Witch Project had established years prior.

Matt Reeves' fantastic monster movie had the feel of a War of the Worlds for a new generation as the characters and audiences hadn't much of a clue to what was really going on - so what better way to end the film than with a couple of seconds of text and audio that was indistinguishable at the time.

The internet pulled their hair out over this to discover that the crackly audio, in fact, was someone saying "Help Us", but when played backwards, seems to be a soldier saying "It's Still Alive". This is straight up sequel bait with the monster still being alive, and the question of where would it possibly terrorise next: another city in America or perhaps some other undeserving country?

Also, the text implies that there were indeed multiple sightings of case designate Cloverfield found - so if not a film set in the future, how about another group scrambling to survive the monster?

Or, maybe, how about two other films with Cloverfield in the title that for the most part have nothing in common with the 2008 original?


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.