10 Sequels That Contradicted The Previous Movie's Message

6. How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Rambo First Blood Rambo First Blood Part II Sylvester Stallone

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is the final entry in Dreamworks' beloved franchise and is considered divisive due to its ending.

You see, a big message from the first two How to Train Your Dragon movies is about co-existence. Vikings and dragons have been enemies for years and it takes Hiccup and his bond with Toothless to show his clan that the two species can learn to live with each other. This is further expanded upon in the sequel where dragons are part of their society to the point where both parties contribute to the betterment of their civilization.

The third film, however, turns this message around. The dragons are portrayed as being limited and caged by the humans, while the humans have become too dependent on their creatures. This is why by the end of the film, the citizens of Berk depart with their dragons; never to see them again.

A big problem with The Hidden World is that its message goes against what the previous two films were trying to say. Though this decision was an attempt to stay closer to the source material, it comes at the cost of contradicting its predecessors.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.